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Thursday, 10 March 2016

Women's Body Confidence

With the rise in social media, over the past few years body confidence in women has been a major talking point. Famous celebs and big Youtube and Blogging stars have started this conversation and tried their best to make young girls aware of the effects of body harming or just low confidence. 

Because of this I want to start talking a lot more about how to feel more confident about your body, and as a young women who's not the smallest of the bunch, what it was like for me growing up.

A lot of young girls don't have fantastic body confidence because of how manipulating the media and fashion industry is today, with girls thinking they have to look like a Victoria Secret model to be 'beautiful' and this is really not the case!!

Because of this, lots of famous brands our now going against todays 'norm' and have started to advertise the beautiful side to all women, because they do come in all shapes and sizes. Here are a few of my favourite campaigns and models...

This was the first chapter of what I hope to be many more talks about body confidence with you guys, as I think its a very important and serious topic to be aware of in todays society. Im going to leave you with a quote I found and love, talk soon...

Much love,
Becks xo

Tuesday, 1 March 2016



Sorry I've been away but I decided to take a short break to discover what I actually want to put on this channel, and now I'm back I'm feeling fresh and wanting to create lots of new content for you guys!!

So before we all get stuck into it, here's so pictures of some of the things I've been inspired by over the last month - sort of like a beauty bloggers monthly faves! Haha!

Much love,
Becks xo
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